
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2020

Why did you choose your career / study programm?

I study chemistry for many reazons,  one reazon is because I love chemistry, but in hight school I wasn´t sure about what to study, I thought in firts place to study chemistry and pharmacy but I really hate biology, My problem was that I didn´t know many careers about chemestry, I only  chemestry and farmacy, engineering in chemestry and chemestry teaching but engineering and teaching are boring to me, one day I knew more careers, but nothing was interesting. I made the decision to study chemistry and pharmacy for the only reazon to make money but not to love the career, I toke PSU and my score wasn´t enought for chemitry and pharmacy, for this reason I made the decision to study Chemitry and in the future change the career, but my score was still bad and it was imposible the change I gote the worst score in my generation but I stayed in chemistry because I loved the career and at present I don´t regret it and I am the third place in the career, I am happy for my decision


hi everyone, it´s me Raúl Guzmán, I am  stressed because this is my first evaluanted post. Well  I am 21 years old, I was born in Santiago de Chile, I did  elementary school in a poor school called Rosita Sanchez, and I did Hight school in an exelent school, the name of this place is Liceo Nacional de Maipu, at the moment I study at Universidad de Chile, I live in Maipu city with my family and Two dogs, Maipu city is a boring place, and My family consits of  my Mother Olga, my Father Raúl, my Sister Nataly and two dogs called Bambi and Estrella. taking the topic again, I like to listen to music, if music is sad,  also I like wacth old movies because old movies have other essence. I never forget the trip to Maitencillo beach because it is an exellent place to spend time and I miss to see my friends face to face